Common causes of sprain and strain injuries:Â
While some of these risks cannot be completely eliminated, there are changes you can make to mitigate them and greatly improve the safety in your workplace.Â
Ensuring your workers are trained in correct manual handling techniques can reduce their risks of sprain and strain injuries.
Workers may be at risk of de-conditioning, particularly during this time where some may be having extended periods of leave. Workers in heavy manual handling jobs and repetitive manual handling jobs have an increased risk of injury. Work hardening programs can be implemented for strenuous tasks.
Workers in heavy manual handling jobs and repetitive manual handling jobs have an increased risk of injury.
Identify high risk areas in the workplace and find ways to reduce the physical demand on workers. Look for tasks that require awkward postures, repetitive movements or forceful exertions and make changes where possible.
This may involve mechanical load shifting devices, two person lifts, creating an ergonomic work flow or manual handling advice for your workers on how to reduce the strain on their bodies.
Use task rotation and work variation to reduce a workers exposure to repetitive or strenuous tasks.
Sprains and strains are often a result of numerous micro-traumas to the body, and when treated early and appropriately, this can prevent minor injuries from becoming lost-time injuries, or WorkCover claims.
Most sprain and strain injuries are preventable. You can help reduce the risk in your workplace. For more advice and information, contact us.
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